
YES my lips have sometimes spoken

Words I would not have them speak;

And I would I could recall them,

Would I had not been so weak.

Yet through Jesus there is pardon,

And in him I place my trust;

For he knows my every weakness,

He remembers I am dust.

But the lips will only utter

What is hid within the heart;

I am pure when with my Saviour

Wretched when we are apart.

His rich grace is quite sufficient

To wash all my sins away;

Dear Redeemer, these unguarded

Words of mine forgive, I pray.

I have thought these strong temptations

Would appeal to me in vain,

If the precious, golden moments

Were but mine to live again.

But, while Christ is interceding,

I may yet redeem the past,

And the crown that waits the faithful

May be mine to wear at last.