Hold On.
HOLD on to your tongue
when you are just ready
to swear, lie, speak harshly,
or say any improper word.
Hold on to your hand
when you are about
to strike, pinch, scratch, steal,
or do any disobedient
or improper act.
Hold on to your foot
when you are on the point of kicking, running away from duty, or pursuing the path of error, shame or crime.
Hold on to your temper
when you are angry, excited
or imposed upon,
or others are angry about you.
Hold on to your heart
when evil associates
seek your company
and invite you to join
them in their games,
mirth and revelry.
Hold on to your
good name at all times,
for it is more valuable to you
than gold, high place,
or fashionable attire.
Hold on to truth,
for it will serve you well and do you
good through all eternity.
Hold on to your virtue,
it is above price to you
in all times and places.
Hold on to your good character,
for it is, and ever will be
your best wealth.
Some persons look upon religion as a medicine.