ARE you shining for Jesus, darlings? You
have given your hearts to him;
But is the light strong within them, or is it but
pale and dim?
Can everybody see it that Jesus is all to you?
That your love to him is burning with radiance
warm and true?
Is the seal upon your forehead so that it must
be known
That you are "all of Jesus" that your hearts
are all his own?
Are you shining for Jesus, darlings, so that the
holy light
May enter the hearts of others and make them
glad and bright?
Have you spoken a word for Jesus and told to
some around,
Who do not care about him, what a Saviour
you have found?
Have you lifted the lamp for others, that has
guided your own glad feet?
Have you echoed the loving message that
seemed to you so sweet?
Are you shining for Jesus, darlings, shining
just everywhere,
Not only in easy places, not only just here and
Shining in happy gatherings where all are loved
and known?
Shining where all are strangers, shining when
quite alone?
Shining at home and making true sunshine all
Shining at school, and faithful perhaps among
faithless found?
Are you shining for Jesus, darlings? Or is
there a little sigh
That the lamp his love has lighted does not
burn clear and high?
Is the heavenly crown that waits you still with-
out a star,
Because your light was hidden and sent no rays
Do you feel you have not loved him with love
right brave and loyal,
But have faintly fought and followed his ban-
ner bright and royal?
Then rise and "watching daily" ask him your
lamps to trim
With the fresh oil he giveth, that they may not
burn dim.
Yes, rise and shine for Jesus; be brave and
bright and true,
To the true and loving Saviour, who gave him-
self for you.
Oh, shine for Jesus, darlings! And henceforth be
your way
Bright with the light that shineth unto the per-
fect day!
Frances Ridley Havergal.