The Child Coming To Jesus
SUFFER me to come to Jesus;
Mother dear, forbid me not:
By his blood from sin he frees us,
Makes us fair without a spot.
Suffer me, my earthly father,
At his pierced feet to fall:
Why forbid me? help me, rather;
Jesus is my all in all.
Suffer me to run unto him;
Gentle sisters, come with me:
0 that, all I love but knew him,
Then my home a heaven would be.
Loving playmates, gay and smiling,
Bid me not forsake the cross;
Hard to hear is your reviling,
Yet for Jesus all is dross.
Yes, though all the world has chide me,
Father, mother, sister, friend;
Jesus never will forbid me,
Jesus loves me to the end.
Gentle Shepherd, on thy shoulder
Carry me, a sinful lamb;
Give me faith, and make me bolder,
Till with thee in heaven I am.
M. Cheyne.