BLEST they who seek,

While in their youth,

With spirit meek,

The way of truth.

To them the Sacred Scriptures now display

Christ as the only true and living way.

His precious blood on Calvary was given

To make them heirs of endless bliss in Heaven.

And e'en on earth the child of God can trace

The glorious blessings of his Saviour's grace.

For them he bore,

His Father's frown;

For them he wore

The thorny crown;

Nailed to the cross,

Endured its pain,

That his life's loss

Might be our gain.

Then haste to choose

That better part,

Nor e'er refuse

The Lord thy heart,

Lest he declare,

"I know you not,"

And deep despair

Should be your lot.

Now look to Jesus who on Calvary died,

And trust in Him who there was crucified.