AMONG my tender vines I spy
A little fox named--By-and-By.
Then set upon him, quick, I say,
The swift, young hunter--Right-away.
Around each tender vine I plant
I find the little fox--I can’t.
Then fast as ever hunter ran
Chase him with bold and brave--I can!
No use in trying--lags and whines
This fox among my tender vines.
Then drive him low and drive him high,
With this good hunter named--I’ll try.
Among the vines in my small lot,
Creeps in the young fox--I forgot.
Then hunt him out and to his den
With--I will not forget again!
One little fox that, hidden there,
Among my vines is--I don't care!
Then let--I’m sorry--hunter true
Chase him afar from vines and you.