
"I wandered through a forest lone, 

I met a fair young child,

'My little one, art not afraid? 

The wood is drear and wild.'

She shook her sunny, waving curls, 

And looked and at me smiled.

"'Nay, but I am not all alone,' 

Still reverent answered she.

'An angel walketh by my side, 

Though him I cannot see;

And he would tell of it in Heaven 

If ought should injure me.'

"I turned me from that trusting child 

Who put my doubts to shame,

And to my heart these ancient words 

Of Holy Scripture came;

'The angel of the Lord encamps 

Round those who fear his name.'"

Let me entreat you, dear young 

friends, to never go where these holy 

angels will not accompany you, for 

there would be positive danger. With 

them alone are you safe.