Remember Me
[THE following lines were handed me on the Michigan
Camp-ground. They were written by a brother who has
been a cripple from his infancy. He was left an orphan
at an early age, and has had life's battles to fight alone
He desires the prayers of the readers as the following
lines indicate. ED.]
I WILL give my heart to Jesus
In faith's most trying hour;
I will put my trust in Jesus
When clouds of darkness lower.
I will give my heart to Jesus
When hope is almost dead;
For I know it was for sinners
His precious blood was shed.
0 then, dear friends of Jesus,
Who have felt the tempter's power,
Help me cling to my Saviour
In this dark and trying hour.
And 0 young friends of Jesus,
With spirits pure and free,
When'er you pray, "Our Father,"
In faith remember me.
Wit. C. COAT.